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  • Simon Marlow's avatar
    Fix a bug in threadStackOverflow() (maybe #5214) · 20906163
    Simon Marlow authored and pcapriotti's avatar pcapriotti committed
    If we overflow the current stack chunk and copy its entire contents
    into the next stack chunk, we could end up with two UNDERFLOW_FRAMEs.
    We had a special case to catch this in the case when the old stack
    chunk was the last one (ending in STOP_FRAME), but it went wrong for
    other chunks.
    I found this bug while poking around in the core dump attached to
    options and running the nofib suite: imaginary/wheel_sieve2 crashed
    with +RTS -kc600 -kb300.
    I don't know if this is the cause of all the symptoms reported in
    MERGED from commit 734f1d48