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  • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
    [project @ 2002-06-05 14:08:23 by simonpj] · 2145e55a
    Simon Peyton Jones authored
    	Fix the (new) lexer, and make the derived read
    	and show code work according to the new H98 report
    The new lexer, based on Koen's cunning parser (Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP)
    wasn't quite right.  It's all very cool now.
    In particular:
    * The H98 "lex" function should return the exact string parsed, and it
    now does, aided by the new combinator ReadP.gather.
    * As a result the Text.Read.Lex Lexeme type is much simpler than before
        data Lexeme
          = Char   Char	-- Quotes removed,
          | String String	-- 	escapes interpreted
          | Punc   String 	-- Punctuation, eg "(", "::"
          | Ident  String	-- Haskell identifiers, e.g. foo, baz
          | Symbol String	-- Haskell symbols, e.g. >>, %
          | Int Integer
          | Rat Rational
          | EOF
         deriving (Eq,Show)
    * Multi-character punctuation, like "::" was getting lexed as a Symbol,
    but it should be a Punc.
    * Parsing numbers wasn't quite right.  "1..n" got it confused because it
    got committed to a decimal point and then found a second '.'.
    * The new H98 spec for Show is there, which ignores associativity.