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  • Ryan Scott's avatar
    Split HsConDecl{H98,GADT}Details · 31fcb55f
    Ryan Scott authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    Haskell98 and GADT constructors both use `HsConDeclDetails`, which includes
    `InfixCon`. But `InfixCon` is never used for GADT constructors, which results
    in an awkward unrepresentable state. This removes the unrepresentable state by:
    * Renaming the existing `HsConDeclDetails` synonym to `HsConDeclH98Details`,
      which emphasizes the fact that it is now only used for Haskell98-style data
      constructors, and
    * Creating a new `HsConDeclGADTDetails` data type with `PrefixConGADT` and
      `RecConGADT` constructors that closely resemble `PrefixCon` and `InfixCon`
      in `HsConDeclH98Details`. The key difference is that `HsConDeclGADTDetails`
      lacks any way to represent infix constructors.
    The rest of the patch is refactoring to accommodate the new structure of
    `HsConDecl{H98,GADT}Details`. Some highlights:
    * The `getConArgs` and `hsConDeclArgTys` functions have been removed, as
      there is no way to implement these functions uniformly for all
      `ConDecl`s. For the most part, their previous call sites now
      pattern match on the `ConDecl`s directly and do different things for
      `ConDeclH98`s and `ConDeclGADT`s.
      I did introduce one new function to make the transition easier:
      `getRecConArgs_maybe`, which extracts the arguments from a `RecCon(GADT)`.
      This is still possible since `RecCon(GADT)`s still use the same representation
      in both `HsConDeclH98Details` and `HsConDeclGADTDetails`, and since the
      pattern that `getRecConArgs_maybe` implements is used in several places,
      I thought it worthwhile to factor it out into its own function.
    * Previously, the `con_args` fields in `ConDeclH98` and `ConDeclGADT` were
      both of type `HsConDeclDetails`. Now, the former is of type
      `HsConDeclH98Details`, and the latter is of type `HsConDeclGADTDetails`,
      which are distinct types. As a result, I had to rename the `con_args` field
      in `ConDeclGADT` to `con_g_args` to make it typecheck.
      A consequence of all this is that the `con_args` field is now partial, so
      using `con_args` as a top-level field selector is dangerous. (Indeed, Haddock
      was using `con_args` at the top-level, which caused it to crash at runtime
      before I noticed what was wrong!) I decided to add a disclaimer in the 9.2.1
      release notes to advertise this pitfall.
    Fixes #18844. Bumps the `haddock` submodule.