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  • Simon Marlow's avatar
    [project @ 1999-02-17 15:57:20 by simonm] · 449deb80
    Simon Marlow authored
    Fast Integers.  The rep. of Integers is now
    	data Integer = S# Int#
    		     | J# Int# ByteArray#
    - several new primops added for overflow-detecting arithmetic
    - negateInteger# removed; it can be done directly
    - integer_0, integer_1 etc. removed.
    - the compiler now uses S# where it previously used int2Integer.
    - the compiler generates small integers for -2^32 .. 2^32-1, instead
      of -2^29 .. -2^29-1.
    - PrelST.State datatype moved to LazyST (its only use).
    - some library code (in Time.lhs) still needs cleaning up, it depends
      on the Integer rep.