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  • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
    Major improvement to pattern bindings · 49dbe605
    Simon Peyton Jones authored
    This patch makes a number of related improvements
    a) Implements the Haskell Prime semantics for pattern bindings
       (Trac #2357).  That is, a pattern binding p = e is typed
       just as if it had been written
            t = e
            f = case t of p -> f
            g = case t of p -> g
            ... etc ...
       where f,g are the variables bound by p. In paricular it's
       ok to say
          (f,g) = (\x -> x, \y -> True)
       and f and g will get propertly inferred types
          f :: a -> a
          g :: a -> Int
    b) Eliminates the MonoPatBinds flag altogether.  (For the moment
       it is deprecated and has no effect.)  Pattern bindings are now
       generalised as per (a).  Fixes Trac #2187 and #4940, in the
       way the users wanted!
    c) Improves the OutsideIn algorithm generalisation decision.
       Given a definition without a type signature (implying "infer
       the type"), the published algorithm rule is this:
          - generalise *top-level* functions, and
          - do not generalise *nested* functions
       The new rule is
          - generalise a binding whose free variables have
            Guaranteed Closed Types
          - do not generalise other bindings
       Generally, a top-level let-bound function has a Guaranteed
       Closed Type, and so does a nested function whose free vaiables
       are top-level functions, and so on. (However a top-level
       function that is bitten by the Monomorphism Restriction does
       not have a GCT.)
         f x = let { foo y = y } in ...
       Here 'foo' has no free variables, so it is generalised despite
       being nested.
    d) When inferring a type f :: ty for a definition f = e, check that
       the compiler would accept f :: ty as a type signature for that
       same definition.  The type is rejected precisely when the type
       is ambiguous.
          class Wob a b where
            to :: a -> b
            from :: b -> a
          foo x = [x, to (from x)]
       GHC 7.0 would infer the ambiguous type
          foo :: forall a b. Wob a b => b -> [b]
       but that type would give an error whenever it is called; and
       GHC 7.0 would reject that signature if given by the
       programmer.  The new type checker rejects it up front.
       Similarly, with the advent of type families, ambiguous types are
       easy to write by mistake.  See Trac #1897 and linked tickets for
       many examples.  Eg
          type family F a :: *
          f ::: F a -> Int
          f x = 3
       This is rejected because (F a ~ F b) does not imply a~b.  Previously
       GHC would *infer* the above type for f, but was unable to check it.
       Now even the inferred type is rejected -- correctly.
    The main implemenation mechanism is to generalise the abe_wrap
    field of ABExport (in HsBinds), from [TyVar] to HsWrapper. This
    beautiful generalisation turned out to make everything work nicely
    with minimal programming effort.  All the work was fiddling around
    the edges; the core change was easy!