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  • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
    Make SpecConstr specialise for constant arguments again · 57a4597d
    Simon Peyton Jones authored
      lvl = Just True
      foo :: Maybe Bool -> Int -> Int
      foo (Just True) i = i
      foo _           i = foo lvl i
    SpecConstr should specialise foo, but it wasn't doing so (spotted
    by Roman).
    Reason: lvl's unfolding wasn't in the cloned version of lvl.
    Solution: extend the value environment to record top-level bindings too
    At the same time I made it work if 'lvl' is a lambda, in which case it
    is again worth specialisg.  This meant renaming ConEnv to ValueEnv,
    and adding a case for 'LambdaVal'.
    (To make specialisation on lambdas work properly, we have to do lambda
    lifting as well, but this gets part of the way, and fixes a bug too.)