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  • Vladislav Zavialov's avatar
    Treat kind/type variables identically, demolish FKTV · 5bc195b1
    Vladislav Zavialov authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    Implements GHC Proposal #24: .../ghc-proposals/blob/master/proposals/0024-no-kind-vars.rst
    Fixes Trac #16334, Trac #16315
    With this patch, scoping rules for type and kind variables have been
    unified: kind variables no longer receieve special treatment. This
    simplifies both the language and the implementation.
    User-facing changes
    * Kind variables are no longer implicitly quantified when an explicit
      forall is used:
        p ::             Proxy (a :: k)    -- still accepted
        p :: forall k a. Proxy (a :: k)    -- still accepted
        p :: forall   a. Proxy (a :: k)    -- no longer accepted
      In other words, now we adhere to the "forall-or-nothing" rule more
      Related function: RnTypes.rnImplicitBndrs
    * The -Wimplicit-kind-vars warning has been deprecated.
    * Kind variables are no longer implicitly quantified in constructor
        data T a        = T1 (S (a :: k) | forall (b::k). T2 (S b)  -- no longer ac...