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  • Simon Marlow's avatar
    [project @ 2003-07-17 12:04:50 by simonmar] · 6677029a
    Simon Marlow authored
    Filename-related cleanup & fixes
    This commit rationalises some of our filename policies.  The new story
    is this:
      When compiling a Haskell module A.B.C:
        The object file is placed in <obj-path>/A/B/C.o
        The interface file is placed in <hi-path>/A/B/C.hi
        Where <objpath> is
    	- the argument of the -odir flag, if one was given
    	- the element of the search path in which the source file was found,
    	  when in --make mode.
    	- "." otherwise.
        Where <hipath> is
    	- the argument of the -hidir flag, if one was given
    	- the element of the search path in which the source file was found,
    	  when in --make mode.
    	- "." otherwise.
    NOTE, in particular, that the name of the source file has no bearing
    on the name of the object or interface file any more.  This is a
    nchange from the previous semantics, where the name of the object file
    would, under certain circumstances, follow the name of the source file.
    eg. before, if you said
    	ghc -c dir/foo.hs
    you would get dir/foo.o.  Now, you get something like Main.o,
    depending on what module is in foo.hs.  This means that the driver
    pipeline machinery now needs to pass around a Maybe ModLocation, which
    is filled in by the Hsc phase and used later on to figure out the name
    of the object file (this was fairly painful, but seems to be the only
    way to get the right behaviour).