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  • Matthías Páll Gissurarson's avatar
    Add flag to show docs of valid hole fits · c4d98341
    Matthías Páll Gissurarson authored and Ben Gamari's avatar Ben Gamari committed
    One issue with valid hole fits is that the function names can often be
    opaque for the uninitiated, such as `($)`. This diff adds a new flag,
    `-fshow-docs-of-hole-fits` that adds the documentation of the identifier
    in question to the message, using the same mechanism as the `:doc`
    As an example, with this flag enabled, the valid hole fits for `_ ::
    [Int] -> Int` will include:
    Valid hole fits include
      head :: forall a. [a] -> a
        {-^ Extract the first element of a list, which must be non-empty.-}
        with head @Int
        (imported from ‘Prelude’ (and originally defined in ‘GHC.List’))
    And one of the refinement hole fits, `($) _`, will read:
    Valid refinement hole fits include
      ($) (_ :: [Int] -> Int)
          where ($) :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
          {-^ Application operator.  This operator is redundant, since ordinary
              application @(f x)@ means the same as @(f '$' x)@. However, '$' has
              low, right-associative binding precedence, so it sometimes allows
              parentheses to be omitted; for example:
              > f $ g $ h x  =  f (g (h x))
              It is also useful in higher-order situations, such as @'map' ('$' 0) xs@,
              or @'Data.List.zipWith' ('$') fs xs@.
              Note that @($)@ is levity-polymorphic in its result type, so that
                  foo $ True    where  foo :: Bool -> Int#
              is well-typed-}
          with ($) @'GHC.Types.LiftedRep @[Int] @Int
          (imported from ‘Prelude’ (and originally defined in ‘GHC.Base’))
    Another example of where documentation can come in very handy, is when
    working with the `lens` library.
    When you compile
    {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-show-provenance-of-hole-fits -fshow-docs-of-hole-fits #-}
    module LensDemo where
    import Control.Lens
    import Control.Monad.State
    newtype Test = Test { _value :: Int } deriving (Show)
    value :: Lens' Test Int
    value f (Test i) = Test <$> f i
    updTest :: Test -> Test
    updTest t = t &~ do
        _ value (1 :: Int)
    You get:
      Valid hole fits include
        (#=) :: forall s (m :: * -> *) a b.
                MonadState s m =>
                ALens s s a b -> b -> m ()
          {-^ A version of ('Control.Lens.Setter..=') that works on 'ALens'.-}
          with (#=) @Test @(StateT Test Identity) @Int @Int
        (<#=) :: forall s (m :: * -> *) a b.
                 MonadState s m =>
                 ALens s s a b -> b -> m b
          {-^ A version of ('Control.Lens.Setter.<.=') that works on 'ALens'.-}
          with (<#=) @Test @(StateT Test Identity) @Int @Int
        (<*=) :: forall s (m :: * -> *) a.
                 (MonadState s m, Num a) =>
                 LensLike' ((,) a) s a -> a -> m a
          {-^ Multiply the target of a numerically valued 'Lens' into your 'Monad''s
              state and return the result.
              When you do not need the result of the multiplication,
              ('Control.Lens.Setter.*=') is more flexible.
              ('<*=') :: ('MonadState' s m, 'Num' a) => 'Lens'' s a -> a -> m a
              ('<*=') :: ('MonadState' s m, 'Num' a) => 'Control.Lens.Iso.Iso'' s a -> a -> m a
          with (<*=) @Test @(StateT Test Identity) @Int
        (<+=) :: forall s (m :: * -> *) a.
                 (MonadState s m, Num a) =>
                 LensLike' ((,) a) s a -> a -> m a
          {-^ Add to the target of a numerically valued 'Lens' into your 'Monad''s state
              and return the result.
              When you do not need the result of the addition,
              ('Control.Lens.Setter.+=') is more flexible.
              ('<+=') :: ('MonadState' s m, 'Num' a) => 'Lens'' s a -> a -> m a
              ('<+=') :: ('MonadState' s m, 'Num' a) => 'Control.Lens.Iso.Iso'' s a -> a -> m a
          with (<+=) @Test @(StateT Test Identity) @Int
        (<-=) :: forall s (m :: * -> *) a.
                 (MonadState s m, Num a) =>
                 LensLike' ((,) a) s a -> a -> m a
          {-^ Subtract from the target of a numerically valued 'Lens' into your 'Monad''s
              state and return the result.
              When you do not need the result of the subtraction,
              ('Control.Lens.Setter.-=') is more flexible.
              ('<-=') :: ('MonadState' s m, 'Num' a) => 'Lens'' s a -> a -> m a
              ('<-=') :: ('MonadState' s m, 'Num' a) => 'Control.Lens.Iso.Iso'' s a -> a -> m a
          with (<-=) @Test @(StateT Test Identity) @Int
        (<<*=) :: forall s (m :: * -> *) a.
                  (MonadState s m, Num a) =>
                  LensLike' ((,) a) s a -> a -> m a
          {-^ Modify the target of a 'Lens' into your 'Monad''s state by multipling a value
              and return the /old/ value that was replaced.
              When you do not need the result of the operation,
              ('Control.Lens.Setter.*=') is more flexible.
              ('<<*=') :: ('MonadState' s m, 'Num' a) => 'Lens'' s a -> a -> m a
              ('<<*=') :: ('MonadState' s m, 'Num' a) => 'Iso'' s a -> a -> m a
          with (<<*=) @Test @(StateT Test Identity) @Int
        (Some hole fits suppressed; use -fmax-valid-hole-fits=N or -fno-max-valid-hole-fits)
    Which allows you to see at a glance what opaque operators like `(<<*=)`
    and `(<#=)` do.
    Reviewers: bgamari, sjakobi
    Reviewed By: sjakobi
    Subscribers: sjakobi, alexbiehl, rwbarton, thomie, carter
    Differential Revision: