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  • rwbarton's avatar
    When floating, don't box an expression that's okay for speculation (#13338) · d0508ef0
    rwbarton authored and Ben Gamari's avatar Ben Gamari committed
    Commit 432f952e (Float unboxed expressions by boxing) lets the float-out pass
    turn, for example,
        ... (-# (remInt# x# 100000#) i#) ...
        let lvl :: Int
            lvl = case remInt# x# 100000# of v { __DEFAULT__ -> I# v }
        in ... (-# (case lvl of { I# v -> v }) i#) ...
    But when, as in the example above, the expression that was floated out was
    the argument of an application, the resulting application may no longer
    satisfy the let/app invariant, because exprOkForSpeculation doesn't look
    far enough inside the definition of lvl.
    Solution: When the expression we floated out was okay for speculation, don't
    bother boxing it. It will be evaluated earlier, and that's okay by assumption.
    Fixes the let/app invariant and is cheaper too.
    Test Plan: make slowtest TEST=T13338
    Reviewers: austin, bgamari, simonpj
    Reviewed By: bgamari, simonpj
    Subscribers: thomie
    Differential Revision: