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  • Simon Marlow's avatar
    [project @ 2002-06-27 15:38:58 by simonmar] · d3a2dc1e
    Simon Marlow authored
    Finally fix foreign export and foreign import "wrapper" so that
    exceptions raised during the call are handled properly rather than
    causing the RTS to bomb out.
    In particular, calling System.exitWith in a foreign export will cause
    the program to terminate cleanly with the desired exit code.  All
    other exceptions are printed on stderr (and the program is
    GHC.TopHandler.runMain is now called runIO, and has type IO a -> IO a
    (previously it had type IO a -> IO (), but that's not general enough
    for a foreign export).  The stubs for foreign export and forein import
    "wrapper" now automatically wrap the computation in runIO or its dual,
    runNonIO.  It turned out to be simpler to do it this way than to do
    the wrapping in Haskell land (plain foreign exports don't have
    wrappers in Haskell).