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  • Ryan Scott's avatar
    Use addUsedDataCons more judiciously in TcDeriv (#17324) · d584e3f0
    Ryan Scott authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    If you derive an instance like this:
    deriving <...> instance Foo C
    And the data constructors for `C` aren't in scope, then
    `doDerivInstErrorChecks1` throws an error. Moreover, it will
    _only_ throw an error if `<...>` is either `stock` or `newtype`.
    This is because the code that the `anyclass` or `via` strategies
    would generate would not require the use of the data constructors
    for `C`.
    However, `doDerivInstErrorChecks1` has another purpose. If you
    write this:
    import M (C(MkC1, ..., MkCn))
    deriving <...> instance Foo C
    Then `doDerivInstErrorChecks1` will call `addUsedDataCons` on
    `MkC1` through `MkCn` to ensure that `-Wunused-imports` does not
    complain about them. However, `doDerivInstErrorChecks1` was doing
    this for _every_ deriving strategy, which mean that if `<...>` were
    `anyclass` or `via`, then the warning about `MkC1` through `MkCn`
    being unused would be suppressed!
    The fix is simple enough: only call `addUsedDataCons` when the
    strategy is `stock` or `newtype`, just like the other code paths
    in `doDerivInstErrorChecks1`.
    Fixes #17324.