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  • Vladislav Zavialov's avatar
    Merge doc and non-doc type grammar · dd7b3378
    Vladislav Zavialov authored
    Before this patch, we maintained two different grammars for types, one that
    accepted Haddock comments and one that did not:
      -- No documentation
        : btype            { ... }
        | btype '->' ctype { ... }
      -- Documentation
        : btype                       { ... }
        | btype docprev               { ... }
        | docnext btype               { ... }
        | btype '->'     ctypedoc     { ... }
        | btype docprev '->' ctypedoc { ... }
        | docnext btype '->' ctypedoc { ... }
    See the (now deleted)  Note [ctype and ctypedoc]
        and (also deleted) Note [Constr variatons of non-terminals]
    This led to a fair share of duplication, with many rules having
    a parallel no-documentation rule:
         Documentation  | No documentation
         typedoc        | type
         ctypedoc       | ctype
         ktypedoc       | ktype
         sigtypedoc     | sigtype
         constr_ftype   | ftype
         constr_btype   | btype
         constr_context | context
    With this patch, we always parse the comments, and then either
    reject or accept them in a later validation step.