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  • Zubin's avatar
    Add outputable instances for the types in GHC.Iface.Ext.Types, add -ddump-hie · ef7576c4
    Zubin authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    flag to dump pretty printed contents of the .hie file
    Metric Increase:
    Because of the regression on i386:
    compile_time/bytes allocated increased from i386-linux-deb9 baseline @ HEAD~10:
        Expected    hie002 (normal) compile_time/bytes allocated: 583014888.0 +/-10%
        Lower bound hie002 (normal) compile_time/bytes allocated:   524713399
        Upper bound hie002 (normal) compile_time/bytes allocated:   641316377
        Actual      hie002 (normal) compile_time/bytes allocated:   877986292
        Deviation   hie002 (normal) compile_time/bytes allocated:        50.6 %
    *** unexpected stat test failure for hie002(normal)