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  • Rodrigo Mesquita's avatar
    bindist: Clean xattrs of bin and lib at configure time · bf65a7c3
    Rodrigo Mesquita authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    For issue #21506, we started cleaning the extended attributes of
    binaries and libraries from the bindist *after* they were installed to
    workaround notarisation (#17418), as part of `make install`.
    However, the `ghc-toolchain` binary that is now shipped with the bindist
    must be run at `./configure` time. Since we only cleaned the xattributes
    of the binaries and libs after they were installed, in some situations
    users would be unable to run `ghc-toolchain` from the bindist, failing
    at configure time (#24554).
    In this commit we move the xattr cleaning logic to the configure script.
    Fixes #24554