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  • Ben Gamari's avatar
    adjustors/i386: Use AdjustorPool · 9b645ee1
    Ben Gamari authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    In !7511 (closed) I introduced a new allocator for adjustors,
    AdjustorPool, which eliminates the address space fragmentation issues
    which adjustors can introduce. In that work I focused on amd64 since
    that was the platform where I observed issues.
    However, in #21132 we noted that the size of adjustors is also a cause
    of CI fragility on i386. In this MR I port i386 to use AdjustorPool.
    Sadly the complexity of the i386 adjustor code does cause require a bit
    of generalization which makes the code a bit more opaque but such is the
    Closes #21132.