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  • Ben Gamari's avatar
    Fix thunk update ordering · 9a52ae46
    Ben Gamari authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    Previously we attempted to ensure soundness of concurrent thunk update
    by synchronizing on the access of the thunk's info table pointer field.
    This was believed to be sufficient since the indirectee (which may
    expose a closure allocated by another core) would not be examined
    until the info table pointer update is complete.
    However, it turns out that this can result in data races in the presence
    of multiple threads racing a update a single thunk. For instance,
    consider this interleaving under the old scheme:
                Thread A                             Thread B
                ---------                            ---------
        t=0     Enter t
          1     Push update frame
          2     Begin evaluation
          4     Pause thread
          5     t.indirectee=tso
          6     Release
          7     ... (e.g. GC)
          8     Resume thread
          9     Finish evaluation
          10    Relaxed t.indirectee=x
          11                                         Load
          12                                         Acquire fence
          13                                         Inspect t.indirectee
          14    Release
    Here Thread A enters thunk `t` but is soon paused, resulting in `t`
    being lazily blackholed at t=6. Then, at t=10 Thread A finishes
    evaluation and updates `t.indirectee` with a relaxed store.
    Meanwhile, Thread B enters the blackhole. Under the old scheme this
    would introduce an acquire-fence but this would only synchronize with
    Thread A at t=6. Consequently, the result of the evaluation, `x`, is not
    visible to Thread B, introducing a data race.
    We fix this by treating the `indirectee` field as we do all other
    mutable fields. This means we must always access this field with
    acquire-loads and release-stores.
    See #23185.