AArch64 : Installing 7.10.1 fails
Built 7.10.1 from the release tarball, using ghc-7.6.3 from Debian. Build of the compiler goes fine, but when I install it I get:
"inplace/bin/ghc-cabal" register libraries/ghc-prim dist-install \
"/home/erikd/GHC/7.10.1/lib/ghc-7.10.1/bin/ghc" \
"/home/erikd/GHC/7.10.1/lib/ghc-7.10.1/bin/ghc-pkg" \
"/home/erikd/GHC/7.10.1/lib/ghc-7.10.1" '' '/home/erikd/GHC/7.10.1' \
'/home/erikd/GHC/7.10.1/lib/ghc-7.10.1' \
'/home/erikd/GHC/7.10.1/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries' NO
Warning: cannot determine version of
/home/erikd/GHC/7.10.1/lib/ghc-7.10.1/bin/ghc-pkg :
ghc-cabal: libraries/Cabal/Cabal/Distribution/Simple/GHC.hs:1050:5-47:
Irrefutable pattern failed for pattern Data.Maybe.Just ver
The code in question is:
hcPkgInfo :: ProgramConfiguration -> HcPkg.HcPkgInfo
hcPkgInfo conf = HcPkg.HcPkgInfo { HcPkg.hcPkgProgram = ghcPkgProg
, HcPkg.noPkgDbStack = v < [6,9]
, HcPkg.noVerboseFlag = v < [6,11]
, HcPkg.flagPackageConf = v < [7,5]
, HcPkg.useSingleFileDb = v < [7,9]
v = versionBranch ver
Just ghcPkgProg = lookupProgram ghcPkgProgram conf
Just ver = programVersion ghcPkgProg
Trac metadata
Trac field | Value |
Version | 7.10.1 |
Type | Bug |
TypeOfFailure | OtherFailure |
Priority | normal |
Resolution | Unresolved |
Component | Compiler |
Test case | |
Differential revisions | |
BlockedBy | |
Related | |
Blocking | |
CC | |
Operating system | |
Architecture |