ApiAnnotations : quoted type variables missing leading quote
The HsOpTy
can be constructed for a promoted type operator, in which case it has the following form
| btype SIMPLEQUOTE qconop type { sLL $1 $> $ mkHsOpTy $1 $3 $4 }
| btype SIMPLEQUOTE varop type { sLL $1 $> $ mkHsOpTy $1 $3 $4 }
The SIMPLEQUOTE does not get an annotation, so cannot be reproduced via the API Annotations.
Also, in
splice_exp :: { LHsExpr RdrName }
: TH_ID_SPLICE { sL1 $1 $ mkHsSpliceE
(sL1 $1 $ HsVar (mkUnqual varName
(getTH_ID_SPLICE $1))) }
| '$(' exp ')' {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ mkHsSpliceE $2) [mo $1,mc $3] }
| TH_ID_TY_SPLICE { sL1 $1 $ mkHsSpliceTE
(sL1 $1 $ HsVar (mkUnqual varName
(getTH_ID_TY_SPLICE $1))) }
| '$$(' exp ')' {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ mkHsSpliceTE $2) [mo $1,mc $3] }
positions are lost.
Edited by Alan Zimmerman