[Security] Safe Haskell can be bypassed via annotations
module Test (hook) where
import System.IO.Unsafe
{-# ANN hook (unsafePerformIO (putStrLn "Woops.")) #-}
hook = undefined
➜ Test ghc -fpackage-trust -XSafe Test_simple.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Test_simple ( Test_simple.hs, Test_simple.o ) [flags changed]
System.IO.Unsafe: Can't be safely imported!
The module itself isn't safe.
GHC ultimately rejects the program due to the System.IO.Unsafe
import, but this check doesn't occur until GHC has compiled and run the annotation expression, allowing arbitrary IO operations via unsafePerformIO
The solution is probably to move the import check from the end of renaming/typechecking to the start.
Edited by spinda