Suspicious zipping in TyCoRep
TyCoRep contains the following pattern:
zipTvSubst :: [TyVar] -> [Type] -> TCvSubst
zipTvSubst tvs tys
| debugIsOn
, not (all isTyVar tvs) || neLength tvs tys
= pprTrace "zipTvSubst" (ppr tvs $$ ppr tys) emptyTCvSubst
| otherwise
= mkTvSubst (mkInScopeSet (tyCoVarsOfTypes tys)) tenv
tenv = zipTyEnv tvs tys
(same with zipCvSubst, zipTCvSubst).
This is suspicious; if tvs and tys happen to have different lengths, we're returning emptyTCvSubst and writing a trace message. zipTyEnv
and zipCoEnv
are checking that the argument lengths are equal. So this extra check is converting a possible assert failure to a silent emptyTCvSubst.
I've tried converting pprTrace
to pprPanic
and got a panic when compiling GHC: