Various -fvalidate-ide-info failures on HEAD involving type variable scoping
If you compile the following file with GHC HEAD using -fwrite-ide-info -fvalidate-ide-info
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Bug where
newtype List a = MkList [a]
deriving via forall a. [a] instance Eq a => Eq (List a)
class C a where
m :: forall b. a -> b -> b
m _ = undefined @_ @a `seq` id @b
instance C [a] where
m :: forall b. [a] -> b -> b
m _ = undefined @_ @a `seq` id @b
type family T a
type instance T [a] = a
You will get a volley of errors:
$ ~/Software/ghc5/inplace/bin/ghc-stage2 Bug.hs -fforce-recomp -fwrite-ide-info -fvalidate-ide-info
[1 of 1] Compiling Bug ( Bug.hs, Bug.o )
Got invalid scopes
Name b Defined at Bug.hs:17:15 at position Bug.hs:18:35 doesn't occur in calculated scope [LocalScope Bug.hs:17:18-30,
LocalScope Bug.hs:14:3-35]
Name a Defined at Bug.hs:10:21 at position Bug.hs:10:40 doesn't occur in calculated scope [LocalScope Bug.hs:10:24-26]
Name a Defined at Bug.hs:10:21 at position Bug.hs:10:54 doesn't occur in calculated scope [LocalScope Bug.hs:10:24-26]
Got roundtrip errors
LocalName a{tv} Bug.hs:21:17-19 and LocalName a{tv} Bug.hs:21:1-23 do not match
In Node:
([(Right a{tv agy},
Details: Nothing {type variable binding with scope: LocalScope Bug.hs:21:15-23 , type variable scopes: LocalScope Bug.hs:21:1-23})],
([(Right a{tv r1lk},
Details: Nothing {type variable binding with scope: LocalScope Bug.hs:21:15-23 , type variable scopes: LocalScope Bug.hs:21:1-23})],
While comparing
[(Right LocalName a{tv} Bug.hs:21:17-19,
Details: Nothing {type variable binding with scope: LocalScope Bug.hs:21:15-23 , type variable scopes: LocalScope Bug.hs:21:1-23})]
[(Right LocalName a{tv} Bug.hs:21:1-23,
Details: Nothing {type variable binding with scope: LocalScope Bug.hs:21:15-23 , type variable scopes: LocalScope Bug.hs:21:1-23})]
I noticed these when perusing the code in GHC.Iface.Ext.Ast
recently. cc @wz1000