Rewrite rules on functions on unboxed values are not supported
If I say
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
module Bug where
import GHC.Exts
up :: Int# -> Int#
up x = x +# 1#
down :: Int# -> Int#
down x = x -# 1#
{-# RULES "up/down" forall x. up (down x) = x #-}
I get
Bug.hs:13:11: warning:
RULE left-hand side too complicated to desugar
Optimised lhs: case down x of wild_00 { __DEFAULT -> up wild_00 }
Orig lhs: case down x of wild_00 { __DEFAULT -> up wild_00 }
13 | {-# RULES "up/down" forall x. up (down x) = x #-}
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I know why this happens: GHC eagerly A-normalizes strict application, so that any strict argument is always a variable. In up (down x)
, the argument is not a variable, and so GHC rewrites this to case down x of y -> up y
(as you can see in the error message). But this means that strict application cannot work with rewrite rules, which is unfortunate.
Yet I think we can do better, by allowing a rewrite rule to match against a case
that (critically) has only a default. What do others think about this?
In searching for a related ticket, I found #10555, but the discussion there seems to focus on division and that it can throw an exception.
(The lack of ability to write such a rule has implications for Conal Elliott's work in compiling to categories.)