Worker/wrapper still makes error thunks for strict constructor fields.
While working on tag inference I found that ghc still seems to put error thunks into strict fields at times.
In particular we have this source code:
fail_tycon global_env ty_con =
let pprov = case lookupGRE_Name global_env (tyConName ty_con) of
Just gre -> nest 2 (pprNameProvenance gre)
Nothing -> empty
in failWithTc (term_level_tycons ty_con $$ pprov)
Which after WW comes out to this relevant core:
join {
-- Essentially takes a unboxed name as argument
$w$j_soEE [InlPrag=[2], Dmd=MCM(CM(CM(CM(CM(CM(CM(CM(L))))))))]
:: GHC.Types.Name.NameSort
-> NameSpace
-> ghc-prim:GHC.Prim.Int#
-> ghc-prim:GHC.Prim.Int#
-> ghc-prim:GHC.Prim.ByteArray#
-> GHC.Data.FastString.FastZString
-> ghc-prim:GHC.Prim.Int#
-> Name
-> GHC.Utils.Ppr.Doc
$w$j_soEE (w_soEo :: GHC.Types.Name.NameSort)
(ww_soEu [Dmd=SL]
:: NameSpace
Unf=OtherCon [])
(ww_soEx :: ghc-prim:GHC.Prim.Int#)
(ww_soEy :: ghc-prim:GHC.Prim.Int#)
(ww_soEz :: ghc-prim:GHC.Prim.ByteArray#)
(ww_soEA [Dmd=LP(L,L,L)] :: GHC.Data.FastString.FastZString)
(w_soEq :: ghc-prim:GHC.Prim.Int#)
(w_soEs [Dmd=LP(L,LP(L,LP(L,L,L,LP(L,L,L))),L,A)] :: Name)
= ... -- Some let's removed for clarity
let {
w_soEr [Dmd=A] :: SrcSpan
= ghc-prim:GHC.Prim.Panic.absentError
"Arg: w_soEr\n\
\Type: SrcSpan\n\
\Id: w_soEr\n\
\In output file `_build/stage1/compiler/build/GHC/Tc/Gen/Head.o'"# } in
let {
ds1_ajuu [Dmd=SP(SL,SP(L,L,L,LP(L,L,L))), OS=OneShot] :: OccName
ds1_ajuu = w_soEp } in
let {
ds2_ajuw [Dmd=A, OS=OneShot] :: SrcSpan
[LclId, Unf=OtherCon []]
ds2_ajuw = w_soEr } in
let {
wild_ajus [Dmd=LP(L,LP(L,LP(L,L,L,LP(L,L,L))),L,A), OS=OneShot]
:: Name
Unf=Unf{Src=InlineStable, TopLvl=False, Value=True, ConLike=True,
WorkFree=True, Expandable=True,
Tmpl= GHC.Types.Name.Name ds_ajut ds1_ajuu dt_ajuv ds2_ajuw}]
wild_ajus = w_soEs } in
case ds1_ajuu of
{ GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence.OccName ww_amZ3 [Dmd=SL]
ww1_amZ4 [Dmd=SP(L,L,L,LP(L,L,L))] ->
case ww1_amZ4 of
{ GHC.Data.FastString.FastString ww2_amZ7 ww3_amZ8 ww4_amZ9
ww5_amZa [Dmd=LP(L,L,L)] ->
let {
d1_snVy [Dmd=SC1(L)] :: SDocContext -> GHC.Utils.Ppr.Doc
= ... -- not imporant
case GHC.Types.Name.Reader.$wlookupGRE_Name_OccName
of {
-- Not important
} } in
The absentError we enter is the RHS of w_soEr
, w_soEr
also being bound to ds2_ajuw
. They both have a demand of plain 'A' (Absent).
This is a problem for WW, which relies on them being absent and strict if they might end up in a strict field.
How I think they get their demand is that w_soEr
get's it's demand from ds2_ajuw
appears as second argument to $wlookupGRE_Name_OccName
which in turn
has this demand: Str=<1L><LP(L,LP(L,LP(L,L,L,LP(L,L,L))),L,A)><SL><L><L><L><LP(L,L,L)>
Putting the demand <LP(L,LP(L,LP(L,L,L,LP(L,L,L))),L,A)>
onto wild_ajus
which then results in ds2_ajuw
getting just A
Now this poses a problem. What happens down the line is we rebox the Name
argument by inlining wild_ajus
like this:
$wlookupGRE_Name_OccName global_env_adne
(GHC.Types.Name.Name ds_ajut ds1_ajuu dt_ajuv ds2_ajuw)
With ds2_ajuw
being our error thunk being stored in a strict field now, but not having a strict demand.
I wonder if this could simply be solved if we give every argument T a demand of at least C_10 for it's strict components.
In a simple example like this:
data T = MkT Char !(Bool,Bool)
foo :: Int -> T -> _
foo n x = n `seq`
case x of
MkT c _ -> (c, undefined)
Instead of giving the current demand Str=<S,1*H><S,1*U(U,A)>,
we would
then give the demand Str=<S,1*H><S,1*U(U,B)>
Not sure if there would be problems with this approach. Currently I think we
already do so during WW only in an adhoc-fashion using addDataConStrictness
As a result I think the current way of marking these bindings as strict falls short for this purpose.