Calling a function that pattern matches on unlifted type in GHCi produces segmentation fault
Directly calling a function that pattern matches on an Unlifted type which has at least two constructors in GHCi results in a segfault.
Both pattern matching directly in GHCi, as well as calling a function which calls another function that does the pattern matching, works fine.
This looks similar but is different from #19628 (closed).
Steps to reproduce
{-# LANGUAGE UnliftedDatatypes, StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
import GHC.Exts
type C :: UnliftedType
data C = A | B
foo A = ()
main = print $ foo A
In GHCi:
ghci> main -- this works fine
ghci> case A of A -> () -- as does this
ghci> foo A
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Expected behavior
Same behavior as main
- GHC version used: 9.3.20210802
- Operating System: Arch Linux
- System Architecture: x86_64
Edited by Jakob Brünker