Segfault in GHC running check-exact
This is a marker for a segfault I am seeing on my ghc-exactprint update, which I have captured in branch wip/az/T21355-exactprint-update-segfault
Demonstrates segfault in ghci
In the utils/check-exact directory do
../../_build/stage1/bin/ghc --interactive
:l Main.hs
It segfaults.
../../_build/stage1/bin/ghc --interactive
:set -fobject-code
:l Main.hs
It runs successfully (logging a lot of stuff).
The two logs are different, the one just before the segfault returns
junk for an AddEpAnn value.
for some detail
It is from a work in progress branch, and needs to be distilled to something useful. But I have a workaround by using -fobject-code so will proceed that way for a little longer. And will revisit some time, if no-one else does.