GHC.Event.Thread.closeFdWith isn't concurrency-safe
While looking at some preparatory work for !8073 I noticed that GHC.Event.Thread.closeFdWith
is extremely suspicious. Specifically, it:
- iterates over the capabilities and takes the event callback table
of each - iterates over the capabilities and calls
on each previously-taken table to remove the to-be-closed fd - closes the fd
- iterates over the capabilities and for each:
- puts the event callback table
- runs the event notifier registered for the closed fd, if any
- puts the event callback table
All of this happens under an uninterruptibleMask_
First, a bit of background: closeFdWith
is needed because POSIX does not specify the behavior of select
or poll
when an fd
being blocked on in one thread is closed by another thread. Consequently, the IO manager must (atomically) ensure that all events registered against the fd are dispatched before the fd
is closed.
However, AFAICT, the above implementation can very easily break if the number of capabilities is concurrently changed. Specifically I can imagine the following problematic interleaving:
Capability 1 │ Capability 2
──────────── │ ────────────
0. `closeFdWith fd` is called │
1. Takes event callback tables for all N │
capabilities │
│ 2. Calls `setNumCapabilities (N+1)`, blocks
│ waiting to acquire all capabilities
3. Yields its capability (e.g. due to GC) │
│ 3. Takes capability, and now holds all capabilities.
│ A new capability is spun-up and all capabilities
│ are again released.
│ 4. A thread is scheduled to capability N+1
│ 5. The thread registers an event for `fd` and blocks on `select`/`poll`
6. `closeFdWith` continues, calling │
`closeFd_` on N capabilities. │
This removes the fd from the event │
list of all capabilities and │
wakes up those that are blocked │
on the fd │
7. the fd is closed │
│ 8. The thread is now blocked on `fd`, which was closed while
│ the thread was blocked, triggering undefined behavior.
This is quite problematic.
Edited by Ben Gamari