Generated Core size blows up from seemingly small change
See main ticket #8095
With the two attached modules (Types.hs Plan.hs)
compiling to Core finishes quickly and the total Core size is reasonable:
$ time ./_build/stage1/bin/ghc -fforce-recomp -fno-code -iinput Memory.Plan -ddump-ds |wc -l
real 0m2.218s
user 0m2.040s
sys 0m0.201s
However, if I change mergeGroup
just slightly by uncommenting its alternate definition, i.e. by wrapping the result type in Field
mergeGroup :: Rel '[CExposureIndex, CSameExposure] -> Field ("BAR" ::: Rel (("TRADESINGROUP" ::: Rel SameExposure_) : AffinityGroupInfo))
mergeGroup r = Field sameExps'
-- rest unchanged
then suddenly the Core size shoots up:
$ time ./_build/stage1/bin/ghc -fforce-recomp -fno-code -iinput Memory.Plan -ddump-ds |wc -l
real 0m35.156s
user 0m34.467s
sys 0m2.627s
The 76x increase in Core size is coming from lots and lots (and lots and lots and lots...) of types in casts.
Edited by Simon Peyton Jones