JS: investigate and triage new failing (on CI) tests
While getting the CI for the JS backend up and running, the CI has reported new failing tests for the JS backend. Chances are a lot of these will already be represented by the previous JS: fix
tickets, so I'm simply reporting them to triage later and get CI up earlier.
Failing tests are:
foundation 4eb9c234 -
fromToInteger !10059 (closed) -
IntegerConversionRules !10059 (closed) -
T16197 !10059 (closed) -
T16135 !10301 (closed) -
T20894 !10059 (closed) -
InfiniteListFusion: bad output -
T22405 !9779 (closed) -
T22405b !9779 (closed) -
inline-check !10059 (closed) -
RepPolyWrappedVar2 !10301 (closed) -
TcCoercibleFail !10301 (closed) -
TD_TH_splice !9779 (closed) -
EtaExpandLevPoly: !10261 (closed)
Unexpected passes are: 394b91ce
sum_mod -
T10414 -
T11760 -
T12035j -
T14075 -
T20030_test1j -
one framework failure:
ManyUbxSums !10147 (closed)
Edited by Sylvain Henry