Crash & hang with non-moving GC & FFI on GHC 9.6.3
I've recently started switching from GHC 8 to GHC 9, and with the inclusion of GHC 9.6.3 in Stackage Nightly, I was able to rule out everything else and pin down a new crash.
Steps to reproduce
In Windows 10 x64, with Stack set up with the resolver nightly-2023-10-01
, this 100% reliably has fatal problems on my system.
In a new, empty folder, create t.hs
module Main(main) where
import Data.Int
type INT = Int32
type WINBOOL = Int32
foreign import capi safe "winuser.h SetCursorPos" c_SetCursorPos :: INT -> INT -> IO WINBOOL
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Mark 1"
c <- getChar
if c == 'x' then do
_ <- c_SetCursorPos 0 0
pure ()
pure ()
putStrLn "Mark 2"
And h.bat
(assuming stack is in your path):
@rd /s/q _temp 2>nul
@del *.exe 2>nul
@md _temp 2>nul
@stack ghc -- -threaded -XCApiFFI -tmpdir _temp -odir _temp -hidir _temp t.hs
@ren t.exe t-works-normally.exe
@stack ghc -- -threaded -with-rtsopts --nonmoving-gc -XCApiFFI -tmpdir _temp -odir _temp -hidir _temp t.hs
@ren t.exe t-crashes-immediately.exe
@stack ghc -- -with-rtsopts --nonmoving-gc -XCApiFFI -tmpdir _temp -odir _temp -hidir _temp t.hs
@ren t.exe t-hangs-after-pressing-return.exe
@exit /b
Expected behavior
All three .exe files should run, first display Mark 1
, then after pressing return display Mark 2
Actual behavior
t-works-normally.exe works as intended.
t-crashes-immediately.exe segfaults immediately (before getChar
is evaluated)
t-hangs-after-pressing-return.exe mostly works, but never terminates after Mark 2.
- GHC version used: 9.6.3 (Stackage Nightly 2023-10-01)
- Operating System: Windows 10 x64
- System Architecture: -
Edited by Hai / @BestYeen