Terribly sad loss of strictness and unboxing due to `throw`
Consider this heavily-used code in GHC.Core.TyCo.Subst
extendTCvSubst :: Subst -> TyCoVar -> Type -> Subst
extendTCvSubst subst v ty
| isTyVar v
= extendTvSubst subst v ty
| CoercionTy co <- ty
= extendCvSubst subst v co
| otherwise
= pprPanic "extendTCvSubst" (ppr v <+> text "|->" <+> ppr ty)
Would you not expect that take Subst
as an unboxed argument? And you'd expect it to
have the CPR property. Similarly:
zipTCvSubst :: HasDebugCallStack => [TyCoVar] -> [Type] -> Subst
zipTCvSubst tcvs tys
= zip_tcvsubst tcvs tys $
mkEmptySubst $ mkInScopeSet $ shallowTyCoVarsOfTypes tys
where zip_tcvsubst :: [TyCoVar] -> [Type] -> Subst -> Subst
zip_tcvsubst (tv:tvs) (ty:tys) subst
= zip_tcvsubst tvs tys (extendTCvSubst subst tv ty)
zip_tcvsubst [] [] subst = subst -- empty case
zip_tcvsubst _ _ _ = pprPanic "zipTCvSubst: length mismatch"
(ppr tcvs <+> ppr tys)
Would you not expect that zip_tcvsubst
loop to carry the Subst
argument around unboxed, rather than reboxing it in every loop iteration? And to have the CPR property.
Of course you would! But it doesn't in either case. Result: terribly bad code for these functions.
(I tripped over this when doing some performance debugging in GHC (in !12893 (closed)), but it will affect lots of calls -- pprPanic
is used a lot!)
I tried this, as a standalone reproducer
type Var = Int
type MyType = Int
data Subst = Subst (Map Var MyType) (Map Var MyType) (Map Var MyType)
{-# NOINLINE isTyVar #-}
{-# NOINLINE isCoVar #-}
isTyVar v = v>200
isCoVar v = v<0
extendTvSubst (Subst ids tvs cvs) v ty
= Subst ids (insert v ty tvs) cvs
extendCvSubst (Subst ids tvs cvs) v ty
= Subst ids tvs (insert v ty cvs)
extendTCvSubst :: Subst -> Var -> MyType -> Subst
extendTCvSubst subst v ty
| isTyVar v
= extendTvSubst subst v ty
| isCoVar v
= extendCvSubst subst v ty
| otherwise
= error ("extendTCvSubst" ++ show v ++ show ty)
And lo! The Subst
argument is unboxed as I expect. The difference seems to be this:
- The strictness signature of
isStrictness: <S><S>b, CPR: b
- The strictness signature of
isStrictness: <L><L><LC(S,L)>x, CPR: b]
Notice the b
vs the x
. Here b
means "bottom" (good), but x
means "might return a precise exception in the I/O monad" which is
very bad.
And why does that happen? pprPanic
ultimately calls throw
which is defined thus,
in ghc-internal:GHC.Internal.Exceptoin
throw :: forall (r :: RuntimeRep). forall (a :: TYPE r). forall e.
(HasCallStack, Exception e) => e -> a
throw e =
let !se = unsafePerformIO (toExceptionWithBacktrace e)
in raise# se
whereas error
is defined like this in ghc-internal:GHC.Internal.Err
error :: forall (r :: RuntimeRep). forall (a :: TYPE r).
HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error s = raise# (errorCallWithCallStackException s ?callStack)
Sure enough, the strictness of throw
is Strictness: <ML><SP(A,A,LC(S,L),A,A,SC(S,L))><L>x, CPR: b]
I think this means that any call to throw
will defeat strictness analysis. That's pretty bad.