Infinite loops can hang Concurrent Haskell
An infinite loop that does not allocate can hang
Concurrent Haskell, becuase no thread switching
occurs. Demo code below (from Koen Claessen).
Bites occasionally, but not often.
module Main where
import Control.Concurrent
( forkIO
, threadDelay
, killThread
, newEmptyMVar
, takeMVar
, putMVar
import Data.IORef
import IO( hFlush, stdout )
timeout :: Int -> a -> IO (Maybe a)
timeout n x =
do put "Race starts ..."
resV <- newEmptyMVar
pidV <- newEmptyMVar
let waitAndFail =
do put "Waiting ..."
threadDelay n
put "Done waiting!"
putMVar resV Nothing
eval =
do put "Evaluating ..."
x `seq` put "Done!"
putMVar resV (Just x)
-- used "mfix" here before but got non-termination
-- (not sure they had anything to do with mfix)
pid1 <- forkIO $ do pid2 <- takeMVar pidV
killThread pid2
pid2 <- forkIO $ do waitAndFail
killThread pid1
putMVar pidV pid2
put "Blocking ..."
takeMVar resV
put s =
do putStrLn s
hFlush stdout
main =
do timeout 1 (sum (repeat 1))
The above program produces the following (expected
Race starts ...
Blocking ...
Evaluating ...
Waiting ...
Done waiting!
If you replace 'sum (repeat 1)' by 'last (repeat 1)' the
program hangs.
Edited by Simon Marlow