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Minor refactoring in deriveConstants

Ömer Sinan Ağacan requested to merge osa1/ghc:refactor_deriveConstants into master

Mainly we now generate this

data PlatformConstants = PlatformConstants {
      pc_CONTROL_GROUP_CONST_291 :: Int,
      pc_STD_HDR_SIZE :: Int,
      pc_PROF_HDR_SIZE :: Int,
      pc_BLOCK_SIZE :: Int,

instead of

data PlatformConstants = PlatformConstants {
    pc_platformConstants :: ()
    , pc_CONTROL_GROUP_CONST_291 :: Int
    , pc_STD_HDR_SIZE :: Int
    , pc_PROF_HDR_SIZE :: Int
    , pc_BLOCK_SIZE :: Int

The first field has no use and according to (removed) comments it was to make code generator's work easier.. if anything this version is simpler because it has less repetition (the commas in strings are gone).

Merge request reports