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Factor out HsSCC/HsCoreAnn/HsTickPragma into HsPragE

Vladislav Zavialov requested to merge wip/hs-prag into master

This is a refactoring with no user-visible changes (except for GHC API users). Consider the HsExpr constructors that correspond to user-written pragmas:

  HsSCC         representing  {-# SCC ... #-}
  HsCoreAnn     representing  {-# CORE ... #-}
  HsTickPragma  representing  {-# GENERATED ... #-}

We can factor them out into a separate datatype, HsPragE. It makes the code a bit tidier, especially in the parser.

Before this patch:

  hpc_annot :: { Located ( (([AddAnn],SourceText),(StringLiteral,(Int,Int),(Int,Int))),
                         ) }

After this patch:

  prag_hpc :: { Located ([AddAnn], HsPragE GhcPs) }

This will also simplify the fix for #15730 (closed)

Edited by Vladislav Zavialov

Merge request reports