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TTG for TH and TTH Bracket phase-specific bits

John Ericson requested to merge wip/shrink-ast-deps into master

We have some *Out AST variants relating to TH and TTH Brackets. No good to have such phase-specific stuff in the GHC-agnostic AST, so we get rid of them.

In addition, those types relied on imports of GHC-specific stuff that should not be referred to by the GHC-agnostic AST.

There are other cycles going on which means the CountDepsAst test sadly wasn't showing much improvement in the AST module's closure, but just because this change isn't sufficient doesn't make it any less necessary to achieve that goal. But if AST deps stuff sounds too odd, just remember this is also a regular TTG goal being persured too.

Progress on #16830 (closed), #19218, #19252 (closed)

Edited by Rodrigo Mesquita

Merge request reports
