# Debugging
# Debugging
This part of the wiki collects all the information related to debugging GHC: that includes debugging the compiler itself, the libraries, the runtime system, the code generator, or the build system. We've split up these various scenarios into separate pages:
This part of the wiki collects all the information related to debugging GHC: that includes debugging the compiler itself, the libraries, the runtime system, the code generator, or the build system.
If you're debugging a compiler panic or some problem in GHC itself, then go to
- [Debugging/Compiler](debugging/compiler): Debugging the compiler itself
- [Debugging/Compiler](debugging/compiler): Debugging the compiler itself
- [Debugging/CompiledCode](debugging/compiled-code): Debugging a compiled program, perhaps to find a bug in the code generator or runtime system
If the compiled program crashes or panics, then go to
- [Debugging/CompiledCode](debugging/compiled-code): Debugging a compiled program
If you are debugging performance-related issues in compiled code:
- [Debugging/TickyTicky](debugging/ticky-ticky): Ticky-ticky profiling, for performance debugging
- [Debugging/TickyTicky](debugging/ticky-ticky): Ticky-ticky profiling, for performance debugging
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