# Design of `IntegerGmp2` ([\#9281](https://gitlab.haskell.org//ghc/ghc/issues/9281))
This wiki page is meant as a scratch-pad to describe the plans/ideas behind the `integer-gmp2` rewrite
## Motivations
- allow to avoid the custom GMP allocator hack, and thus
- avoid issues when linking against other C libraries using GMP,
- simplify code, as we would perform all heap allocations in Haskell code (and never inside Cmm/C code as its done now),
- maybe even remove a few more superfluous temporary heap allocations.
- link-time selectable integer-library backend (think `ghc --make -O -finteger-library=bsdnt` Hello.hs)
- simplifies handling on platforms where GMP is not a system-library (mostly OSX and Windows)
- user code can still link with GMP, even though the primitive operation use `bsdnt`
- Allow to implement (big) Natural number type w/o redundant sign handling
## Rough Design
### Haskell-side API Types
-- | Type representing /raw/ arbitrary-precision Naturals---- This is common type used by 'Natural' and 'Integer'. As this type-- consists of a single constructor wrapping a 'ByteArray#' it can be-- unpacked.---- Essential invariants:---- - 'ByteArray#' size is an exact multiple of 'Word#' size-- - limbs are stored in least-significant-limb-first order,-- - the most-significant limb must be non-zero, except for-- - @0@ which is represented as a 1-limb.dataBigNat=BN#ByteArray#-- | Invariant: 'Jn#' and 'Jp#' are used iff value doesn't fit in 'SI#'---- Useful properties resulting from the invariants:---- - @abs ('SI#' _) <= abs ('Jp#' _)@-- - @abs ('SI#' _) < abs ('Jn#' _)@--dataInteger=SI#!Int#-- ^ iff value in @[minBound::'Int', maxBound::'Int']@ range|Jp#{-# UNPACK #-}!BigNat-- ^ iff value in @]maxBound::'Int', +inf[@ range|Jn#{-# UNPACK #-}!BigNat-- ^ iff value in @]-inf, minBound::'Int'[@ range-- | Type representing arbitrary-precision Naturals---- Invariant: 'NatJ#' is used iff when value doesn't fit in 'NatS#'dataNatural=NatS#!Word#-- ^ @[0, maxBound::Word]@|NatJ#{-# UNPACK #-}!BigNat-- ^ @]maxBound::GmpLimb, +inf[@deriving(Eq,Ord)
- `BigNat` is a internal common type to `Integer` and `Natural` and not exposed through `base`
- `Natural` finally fills the gap of the missing unsigned `Integer` counter-part in `base`
- requires fallback implementation (on top of `Integer`) in `base` if `integer-{simple,gmp}` are still to be supported
- Most operations can avoid calling into the FFI backend integer-library, if the values don't exceed the `SI#`/`NatS#` capacity. This also means that the performance difference between using e.g. `bsdnt` or `gmp` is only noticeable for large operands.
### Link-time integer-library selection
- The basic requirements to be able to write an adapter for a FFI integer-library for `integer-gmp2`:
- no memory allocation of result BigNums (but rather writes into caller-allocated buffers)
- BigNums are represented as machine-word-sized arrays + length information
- `integer-gmp2` needs only about a dozen of rather generic low-level primitive arithmetic BigNum operations, such as e.g.
-- mp_limb_t mpn_add_1 (mp_limb_t *rp, const mp_limb_t *s1p, mp_size_t n,-- mp_limb_t s2limb)foreignimportccall unsafe "gmp.h __gmpn_add_1"
c_mpn_add_1 ::MutableByteArray# s ->ByteArray#->GmpSize#->GmpLimb#->IOGmpLimb-- mp_limb_t mpn_add (mp_limb_t *rp, const mp_limb_t *s1p, mp_size_t s1n,-- const mp_limb_t *s2p, mp_size_t s2n)foreignimportccall unsafe "gmp.h __gmpn_add"
c_mpn_add ::MutableByteArray# s ->ByteArray#->GmpSize#->ByteArray#->GmpSize#->IOGmpLimb
- The plan is to write a small shim-like C library that implements a uniform adapter for `integer-gmp2` to call into, that wraps libraries such as GMP or `bsdnt`. This small adapter is then selected at link-time by `ghc --make` similiar to how `ghc` selects one of its various runtimes (threaded, debugging, non-threaded, ...) |