... | ... | @@ -111,36 +111,36 @@ Here we have possible API implementations. Keep in mind that all this is a work |
### ghc-events
-------------- Private -------------
data SequenceDecoder a =
FailS !B.ByteString !ByteOffset String
| SingleS (Maybe a) (B.ByteString -> SequenceDecoder a)
| DoneS !B.ByteString !ByteOffset (Maybe a)
eventLogDecoder :: Decoder (SequenceDecoder Event)
newtype EventHandle = EventHandle Header Handle
-------------- Public --------------
Client API relevant to real-time event monitoring. The full API is larger; you can find it in the [ ghc-events library documentation](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/ghc-events).
-- Datatype that holds a link to the eventlog
data EventHandle
data EventHandle -- Abstract
data Event = .... -- Concrete data type (see the ghc-events library docs above)
-- Opens the event stream from the specified handle,
-- reads the header info, and initialises the EventHandle
openEventHandle :: Handle -> IO EventHandle
-- Gets the header of the log
getHeader :: EventHandle -> Header
-- Reads one event from the handle. Returns Nothing if no events
-- are readable from the log
getEvent :: EventHandle -> IO (Maybe Event)
### Implementing the API in ghc-events
-------------- Private -------------
data SequenceDecoder a =
FailS !B.ByteString !ByteOffset String
| SingleS (Maybe a) (B.ByteString -> SequenceDecoder a)
| DoneS !B.ByteString !ByteOffset (Maybe a)
eventLogDecoder :: Decoder (SequenceDecoder Event)
newtype EventHandle = EventHandle Header Handle
### RTS
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