... | ... | @@ -152,10 +152,7 @@ Possible solutions to remove EventBlock: |
Client API relevant to real-time event monitoring. The full API is larger; you can find it in the [ ghc-events library documentation](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/ghc-events).
-- Datatype that holds a link to the eventlog
data EventHandle -- Abstract
-- Equivalent to the current API:
-- Equivalent to the current API: --------------------------------
data EventInfo = {...}
data ThreadStopStatus = {...}
data CapsetType = {...}
... | ... | @@ -165,20 +162,6 @@ type Timestamp = Word64 |
type ThreadId = Word32
type TaskId = Word64
data Event = Event { ev_time :: Timestamp,
, ev_cap :: Maybe Int
, ev_info :: EventInfo
} deriving Show
-- Opens the event stream from the specified handle,
-- reads the header info, and initialises the EventHandle
openEventHandle :: Handle -> IO EventHandle
-- Reads one event from the handle (incrementally). Returns Nothing if no events
-- are readable from the log
readEvent :: EventHandle -> IO (Maybe CapEvent)
-- Read/write from/to files
readEventLogFromFile :: FilePath -> IO (Either String [Event])
writeEventLogToFile :: FilePath -> [Event] -> IO ()
... | ... | @@ -197,6 +180,47 @@ nEVENT_PERF_TRACEPOINT :: EventTypeNum |
sz_perf_num :: EventTypeSize
sz_kernel_tid :: EventTypeSize
-- Note: new field and changed names
data Event = Event { evTime :: Timestamp,
, evCap :: Maybe Int
, evInfo :: EventInfo
} deriving Show
-- New functionality: --------------------------------------------
-- Datatype that holds a link to the eventlog
data EventParserState -- Abstract
-- Datatype that describes the result of getEvent
data Result a
-- Successfully parsed an item
= One a
-- The eventlog wasn't complete but the input did not contain any more complete
-- items
| PartialEventLog
-- Parsing was completed successfully
| CompleteEventLog
-- An error in parsing has occurred
| EventLogParsingError String
-- Creates a fresh instance of EventParserState for a parser
initEventParser :: EventParserState
-- Given a state and a bytestring, parses at most one event (if the BS contains
-- enough data) and keeps the remainder ofthe BS in the state (to be used in
-- successive call to readEvent). Expects the first bytes to contain a complete Header
readEvent :: EventParserState -> B.ByteString -> (Result Event, EventParserState)
-- Deprecated functions and datatypes
time :: Event -> Timestamp
spec :: Event -> EventInfo
data CapEvent
= CapEvent { ce_cap :: Maybe Int,
ce_event :: Event
} deriving Show
### RTS
... | ... | |