... | ... | @@ -144,10 +144,7 @@ Possible solutions to remove EventBlock: |
- Yeah, the easiest implementation would be IORef (Seq CapEvent), or something along those lines
- Maybe IORef \[CapEvent\] is enough as well
## Discussed APIs
Here we have possible API implementations. Keep in mind that all this is a work in progress
## Proposed APIs
### ghc-events
... | ... | @@ -156,29 +153,50 @@ Client API relevant to real-time event monitoring. The full API is larger; you |
-- Datatype that holds a link to the eventlog
data EventHandle -- Abstract
data CapEvent = .... -- Concrete data type (see the ghc-events library docs above)
data EventHandle -- Abstract
-- Equivalent to the current API:
data EventInfo = {...}
data ThreadStopStatus = {...}
data CapsetType = {...}
newtype KernelThreadId = {...}
type Timestamp = Word64
type ThreadId = Word32
type TaskId = Word64
data Event = Event { ev_time :: Timestamp,
, ev_cap :: Maybe Int
, ev_info :: EventInfo
} deriving Show
-- Opens the event stream from the specified handle,
-- reads the header info, and initialises the EventHandle
openEventHandle :: Handle -> IO EventHandle
-- Reads one event from the handle. Returns Nothing if no events
-- Reads one event from the handle (incrementally). Returns Nothing if no events
-- are readable from the log
getEvent :: EventHandle -> IO (Maybe CapEvent)
readEvent :: EventHandle -> IO (Maybe CapEvent)
### Implementing the API in ghc-events
data SequenceDecoder a =
FailS !B.ByteString !ByteOffset String
| SingleS (Maybe a) (B.ByteString -> SequenceDecoder a)
| DoneS !B.ByteString !ByteOffset (Maybe a)
-- Read/write from/to files
readEventLogFromFile :: FilePath -> IO (Either String [Event])
writeEventLogToFile :: FilePath -> [Event] -> IO ()
-- Pretty printing support
showEventInfo :: EventInfo -> String
showThreadStopStatus :: ThreadStopStatus -> String
ppEventLog :: EventLog -> String
ppEventType :: EventType -> String
ppEvent :: IntMap EventType -> CapEvent -> String
eventLogDecoder :: Decoder (SequenceDecoder Event)
-- Perf events
nEVENT_PERF_NAME :: EventTypeNum
sz_perf_num :: EventTypeSize
sz_kernel_tid :: EventTypeSize
newtype EventHandle = EventHandle Header Handle
### RTS
... | ... | @@ -242,43 +260,4 @@ initEventLogging:: IO() |
setDestination:: Fd -> IO()
-- <...>
-- equivalent to functions on C side
## Misc/Old
Example log reading user:
main = do
eh <- readLogInc file
putStrLn $ ppEventLog log
Scrap code
-- | An incremental decoder for a sequence. It accepts input incrementally
-- and additionally it can produce sequence results incrementally.
data SequenceDecoder a =
-- | The input data was malformed. The first field contains any
-- unconsumed input and third field contains information about
-- the parse error.
FailS !B.ByteString !ByteOffset String
-- | The decoder read zero or more records. Feed a 'B.ByteString' to
-- the continuation to continue parsing. Use an 'B.empty' string to
-- indicate that no more input data is available. If fed an 'B.empty'
-- string, the continuation is guaranteed to return either 'Fail'
-- or 'Done'.
| ManyS [a] (B.ByteString -> SequenceDecoder a)
-- | The decoder read zero or more records. This is the end of
-- the sequence.
| DoneS !B.ByteString !ByteOffset [a]
deriving Functor
eventlogDecoder :: Decoder (SequenceDecoder Event)
``` |
\ No newline at end of file |