... | ... | @@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ Cons: |
- At the binding site of a variable we know that we \*always\* have a location, and we can put that in its Name. If locations were more optional, that would not be so true.
- Type safety: There are functions like `collectEvVarsPat` and `hsPatType` which return wrong results or crash when passed an `XPat`. Which the type-checker can't detect, since `type LPat = Pat`.
- There are two indirections instead of only one for the GHC case compared to `type LPat = Located Pat`: One for the `XPat` and one for `L`.
- `HasSrcSpan` and `dL->L` view pattern business instead of just plain matching on the `L` constructor
### Solution B: the source locations in the new field extensions
... | ... | @@ -233,6 +234,7 @@ Pros: |
- The old ping-pong style! Type safety!
- Only one indirection in recursive `LPat` cases (the `Located` constructor) in the GHC case compared to two for solutions A and C.
- Zero indirections for TH. No need to bother with `Located` at all.
- Since this is just the old ping-pong style, there's no need for `HasSrcSpan`/`dL->L` view patterns, which I consider a boon. It's just plain matching on the `L` constructor again!
... | ... | @@ -380,6 +382,71 @@ par l@(L sp (App{})) = L sp (Par NoExt l) |
par l = l
### Ping-pong style revamped (solution D)
Here's an example for solution D:
### Ping-pong style
Here is a representation of lambda expressions in the ping-pong style.
Unfortunately, this forces us to redefine the base TTG data type,
forcing it into ping-pong style, which is why we don't like it for the reasons mentioned above.
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fno-warn-unticked-promoted-constructors #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, DataKinds #-}
module Original where
import BasicGHCTypes
-- | Only wraps a `Located` around `f` when `p` is a `GhcPass`.
type family WrapL p (f :: * -> *) = r | r -> p f where
WrapL (GhcPass p) f = Located (f (GhcPass p))
-- This bogus instance is unfortunate, but needed for injectivity and thus
-- type inference.
WrapL p Located = Located (Located p)
WrapL p f = f p
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- AST Base
-- ----------------------------------------------
type LExp x = WrapL x Exp
data Exp x -- Notice the alternation between LExp and Exp
= Var (XVar x) (XId x)
| Abs (XAbs x) (XId x) (LExp x)
| App (XApp x) (LExp x) (LExp x)
| Par (XPar x) (LExp x)
| New (XNew x) -- The extension constructor
type family XVar x
type family XAbs x
type family XApp x
type family XPar x
type family XNew x
type family XId x
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- GHC-Specific Decorations
-- ----------------------------------------------
type instance XVar (GHC _) = NoExt
type instance XAbs (GHC _) = NoExt
type instance XApp (GHC p) = XAppGHC p
type instance XPar (GHC _) = NoExt
type instance XNew (GHC p) = XNewGHC p
type instance XId (GHC p) = XIdGHC p
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- Example Function
-- ----------------------------------------------
par :: LExp (GHC x) -> LExp (GHC x)
par l@(L sp (App{})) = L sp (Par NoExt l)
par l = l
### The SrcSpan Accessor Typeclass
... | ... | |