... | ... | @@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ The key solution is to move source locations to the extension points, remove the |
1. We put the source locations in the new constructor extension, similar in spirit to the current `Located`.
1. We put the source locations in the new field extensions and use a typeclass to set/get the locations.
1. We improve on 1. by recovering the ping-pong style for its favorable type safety, still inside the same TTG encoding, by making sure that `XPat` is only possible in `LPat` and not in plain `Pat`.
1. We call a type family in `LPat` that expands to `Located Pat` for `GhcPass`es and to `Pat` otherwise.
In the implementation, we have settled on the solution A, mainly as it avoids the clutter: handling of source locations is done once per data type rather than once in every constructor.
... | ... | @@ -173,6 +175,8 @@ Pros: |
- At the binding site of a variable we know that we \*always\* have a location, and we can put that in its Name. If locations were more optional, that would not be so true.
- Type safety: There are functions like `collectEvVarsPat` and `hsPatType` which return wrong results or crash when passed an `XPat`. Which the type-checker can't detect, since `type LPat = Pat`.
- There are two indirections instead of only one for the GHC case compared to `type LPat = Located Pat`: One for the `XPat` and one for `L`.
### Solution B: the source locations in the new field extensions
... | ... | @@ -188,6 +192,52 @@ Cons: |
- Handling of the source locations should be done once per constructor
- When constructing/generating terms the first field of the constructors should explicitly mention the source location (see the `par` function in the Solution A's code, where the first field of `Par` should have a `SrcSpan`, even though a dummy one.)
### Solution C: Improving A by re-introducing ping-pong style for type safety
This is implemented in !1925. The gist was to define
data Loc p
type LPat p = Pat (Loc p)
and then have
type instance XWildPat = NoExtField
type instance XPat GhcTc = NoExtCon
type instance XWildPat (Loc p) = NoExtCon
type instance XPat (Loc p) = Located (Pat p)
- Same type safety guarantees as ping-pong style. No way to forget to attach a `SrcLoc` to an `LPat`, no way to forget to match on `XPat` in `Pat` position (think of legacy code like `collectEvVarsPat` that would be broken)
- Mostly same performance guarantees as solution A for GHC code
- Two indirections (`XPat`, `Located`) to traverse in the GHC AST. The same as solution A, but we don't have the cleverness in the `HasSrcSpan` instance that can get rid of `XPat`s wrapping a `noSrcLoc`. Also this is strictly worse than the `type LPat = Located Pat` approach.
- An unnecessary indirection in case we re-use the AST for TH: Every `LPat` must be an `XPat`, which would just carry a `Pat` again for TH. Ping-pong without a point.
### Solution D
Have `type LPat = Located Pat` for GHC passes (so what we used to have) and `type LPat = Pat` for other passes, by using a type family `WrapL` that only inserts `Located` in GHC passes.
- The old ping-pong style! Type safety!
- Only one indirection in recursive `LPat` cases (the `Located` constructor) in the GHC case compared to two for solutions A and C.
- Zero indirections for TH. No need to bother with `Located` at all.
- Potential trouble with inference of type family arguments. The type family has to be injective, which can be guaranteed in practice
## An example to illustrate
... | ... | |