... | ... | @@ -341,3 +341,77 @@ Some concerns: |
- what names should the new primops have? I planned to use names with a dot preceeding the operator for `Int#` and `Double#` comparisons (e.g. `./=#`, `.>##`) and names with "St" suffix for `Word#` and `Float#`, e.g. `gtWordSt#`, `gtFloatSt#` (`St` stands for 'strict' because the result can be used with the strict bitwise logical operators).
- how to remove the old `Compare` primops (ones of type `T -> T -> Bool`)?
- once we have the new primops do we really care about the unboxed `Bool#`?
### Benchmarks for the proposed patch
Below is a benchmark for the proof-of-concept filter function that demonstrates performance gains possible with the new primops:
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, MagicHash #-}
module Main (
) where
import Control.Monad.ST (runST)
import Criterion.Config (Config, cfgPerformGC,
defaultConfig, ljust)
import Criterion.Main
import Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable (unsafeNew, unsafeSlice, unsafeWrite)
import Data.Vector.Unboxed as U (Vector, filter, foldM',
fromList, length, unsafeFreeze)
import GHC.Exts (Int (I#), (.>=#))
import System.Random (RandomGen, mkStdGen, randoms)
import Prelude hiding (filter, length)
filterN :: U.Vector Int -> U.Vector Int
filterN vec = runST $ do
let !size = length vec
fVec <- unsafeNew size
let put i x = do
let !(I# v) = x
inc = I# (v .>=# 0#)
unsafeWrite fVec i x
return $ i + inc
fSize <- foldM' put 0 vec
unsafeFreeze $ unsafeSlice 0 fSize fVec
main :: IO ()
main = return (mkStdGen 1232134332) >>=
defaultMainWith benchConfig (return ()) . benchmarks
benchmarks :: RandomGen g => g -> [Benchmark]
benchmarks gen =
let dataSize = 10 ^ (7 :: Int)
inputList = take dataSize . randoms $ gen :: [Int]
inputVec = fromList inputList
isPositive = (> 0)
in [
bgroup "Filter"
bench "New" $ whnf (filterN) inputVec
, bench "Vector" $ whnf (filter isPositive) inputVec
benchConfig :: Config
benchConfig = defaultConfig {
cfgPerformGC = ljust True
Compile and run with:
ghc -O2 -fllvm -optlo-O3 Main.hs
./Main -o report.html
Benchmarking shows that `filterN` function is 60% faster than the `filter` function based on stream fusion (tested for unboxed vectors containing 10 thousand and 10 million elements). |