... | ... | @@ -13,48 +13,53 @@ The relevant ticket is [\#9637](https://gitlab.haskell.org//ghc/ghc/issues/9637) |
Use Keyword = `CustomTypeErrors` to ensure that a ticket ends up on these lists.
Open Tickets:
<table><tr><th><a href="https://gitlab.haskell.org//ghc/ghc/issues/11099">#11099</a></th>
<td>Incorrect warning about redundant constraints</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="https://gitlab.haskell.org//ghc/ghc/issues/11503">#11503</a></th>
<td>TypeError woes (incl. pattern match checker)</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="https://gitlab.haskell.org//ghc/ghc/issues/11967">#11967</a></th>
<td>Custom message when showing functions, comparing functions, ...</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="https://gitlab.haskell.org//ghc/ghc/issues/12048">#12048</a></th>
<td>Allow CustomTypeErrors in type synonyms (+ evaluate nested type family?)</td></tr>
<td>\`OverloadedStrings\` for types</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="https://gitlab.haskell.org//ghc/ghc/issues/12049">#12049</a></th>
<td>`OverloadedStrings` for types</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="https://gitlab.haskell.org//ghc/ghc/issues/13775">#13775</a></th>
<td>Type family expansion is too lazy, allows accepting of ill-typed terms</td></tr>
<td>Custom type errors don't trigger when matching on a GADT constructor with an error in the constraint</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="https://gitlab.haskell.org//ghc/ghc/issues/14141">#14141</a></th>
<td>Custom type errors don't trigger when matching on a GADT constructor with an error in the constraint</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="https://gitlab.haskell.org//ghc/ghc/issues/14771">#14771</a></th>
<td>TypeError reported too eagerly</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="https://gitlab.haskell.org//ghc/ghc/issues/14983">#14983</a></th>
<td>Have custom type errors imply Void</td></tr></table>
Closed Tickets:
<table><tr><th><a href="https://gitlab.haskell.org//ghc/ghc/issues/11391">#11391</a></th>
<td>TypeError is fragile</td></tr>
<td>Type families, \`TypeError\`, and \`-fdefer-type-errors\` cause "opt_univ fell into a hole"</td></tr>
<td>Can't create injective type family equation with TypeError as the RHS</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="https://gitlab.haskell.org//ghc/ghc/issues/12104">#12104</a></th>
<td>Type families, `TypeError`, and `-fdefer-type-errors` cause "opt_univ fell into a hole"</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="https://gitlab.haskell.org//ghc/ghc/issues/12119">#12119</a></th>
<td>Can't create injective type family equation with TypeError as the RHS</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="https://gitlab.haskell.org//ghc/ghc/issues/12237">#12237</a></th>
<td>Constraint resolution vs. type family resolution vs. TypeErrors</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="https://gitlab.haskell.org//ghc/ghc/issues/14339">#14339</a></th>
<td>GHC 8.2.1 regression when combining GND with TypeError (solveDerivEqns: probable loop)</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="https://gitlab.haskell.org//ghc/ghc/issues/15052">#15052</a></th>
<td>DeriveAnyClass instances may skip TypeError constraints</td></tr>
<td>TypeError is reported as "redundant constraint" starting with GHC 8.2</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="https://gitlab.haskell.org//ghc/ghc/issues/15232">#15232</a></th>
<td>TypeError is reported as "redundant constraint" starting with GHC 8.2</td></tr>
<tr><th><a href="https://gitlab.haskell.org//ghc/ghc/issues/16362">#16362</a></th>
<td>Deriving a class via an instance that has a TypeError constraint using standalone deriving fails during compilation.</td></tr>
<td>\`TypeError\` in a pattern should flag inaccessible code</td></tr></table>
<tr><th><a href="https://gitlab.haskell.org//ghc/ghc/issues/16377">#16377</a></th>
<td>`TypeError` in a pattern should flag inaccessible code</td></tr></table>
### The Problem
... | ... | @@ -74,10 +79,12 @@ report an EDSL specific error, rather than a generic error about an ambiguous ty |
### A Solution
One way to solve the above problem is by adding a single uninterpreted type-function as follows:
typefamilyTypeError(msg ::ErrorMessage):: k
type family TypeError (msg :: ErrorMessage) :: k
... | ... | @@ -86,20 +93,30 @@ The intention is that users will never define instances of `TypeError`, so one m |
will never evaluate to anything, and it is basically very similar to the polymorphic type-level value `Any`, which is already present in GHC.
The kind `ErrorMessage` is a small DSL for constructing error messages, and may be defined using a promoted datatype:
data{-kind-}ErrorMessage=TextSymbol-- Show this text as is| forall t.ShowType t -- Pretty print a type|ErrorMessage:<>:ErrorMessage-- Put two chunks of error message next to each other|ErrorMessage:$$:ErrorMessage-- Put two chunks of error message above each other
data {-kind-} ErrorMessage =
Text Symbol -- Show this text as is
| forall t. ShowType t -- Pretty print a type
| ErrorMessage :<>: ErrorMessage -- Put two chunks of error message next to each other
| ErrorMessage :$$: ErrorMessage -- Put two chunks of error message above each other
### Examples
Here are some examples of how one might use these:
instanceTypeError(Text"Cannot 'Show' functions.":$$:Text"Perhaps there is a missing argument?")=>Show(a -> b)where
showsPrec =error"unreachable"
instance TypeError (Text "Cannot 'Show' functions." :$$:
Text "Perhaps there is a missing argument?")
=> Show (a -> b) where
showsPrec = error "unreachable"
... | ... | @@ -175,6 +192,11 @@ The implementation in GHC is fairly straight-forward: |
This approach would be quite a bit simpler than your current story, where you specially recognise type functions whose RHS is `TypeError`, and also have to suppress calls to `TypeError` that appear embedded in types.
### Alternative Design
... | ... | @@ -193,24 +215,42 @@ have to think of more syntax and implement it. |
1. What happens with Given `TypeError` constraints? Naively, the `TypeError` constraint on an instance would seem to lead to an "inaccessible code" error. (And this point would be right! It *is* inaccessible code.) *Lennart*: Yes, we know any methods are inaccessible, but I don't think the compiler needs to know specially about `TypeError`. Instead the method definition will be treated as usual. This can always be refined later if we want. *RAE:* But I think people will want this:
instanceTypeError"You can't compare functions for equality"=>Eq(a -> b)
instance TypeError "You can't compare functions for equality" => Eq (a -> b)
> If that's inaccessible code and an error, they can't do this.
> *Lennart:* I don't think it will be so bad to write
> ```
> instanceTypeError"You can't compare functions for equality"=>Eq(a -> b)where(==)= undefined
> instance TypeError "You can't compare functions for equality" => Eq (a -> b) where (==) = undefined
> ```
> I see no reason to complicate the compiler for this.
> *RAE:* But that code will issue an "inaccessible code" error. I'm OK (but I don't love it) if the user has to write out bogus method definitions -- that's not what I'm worried about.
> *Lennart:* I don't understand how you can get an inaccessible code error, unless you perform a link-time check if all instances have actually been used. Since instances are always exported there is no module level check you can make to see if an instance is used.
1. Relatedly, when definition an instance with a `TypeError` constraint, what should users write in the body? Leaving it empty causes warnings, but anything written in there would never be called. *Lennart*: See above.
... | ... | @@ -253,13 +293,19 @@ I found this page by accident, but find this a very interesting idea. Very usef |
1. Why are we calling this \*Type\*Error? I suspect we can use this for many not strictly type-related features. For example
deprecatedFn ::TypeWarning(Text"deprecatedFn is deprecated. Use someOtherFn instead!")=>SomeType
deprecatedFn :: TypeWarning (Text "deprecatedFn is deprecated. Use someOtherFn instead!") =>
removedFn ::TypeError(Text"removedFn has been removed. Use someOtherFn instead!")=>ItsOldType
removedFn :: TypeError (Text "removedFn has been removed. Use someOtherFn instead!") => ItsOldType
> >
> >
> > What about `Error` and `Warning` instead?
> >
> >
## Extended Example
... | ... | |