... | ... | @@ -211,3 +211,66 @@ I found this page by accident, but find this a very interesting idea. Very usef |
> >
> > What about `Error` and `Warning` instead?
## Extended Example
Here is a longer example, which illustrates how one might use this feature in the implementation of a safe API to raw memory using C-like packed structures:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances, DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Word
import Foreign.Ptr
type OffsetOf l xs = GetOffset 0 l xs
type family ByteSize x where
ByteSize Word64 = 8
ByteSize Word32 = 4
ByteSize Word16 = 2
ByteSize Word8 = 1
ByteSize a = TypeError (Text "The type " :<>: ShowType a :<>:
Text " is not exportable.")
type family GetOffset n (l :: Symbol) xs where
GetOffset n l ( '(l,a) ': xs) = '(n,a)
GetOffset n l ( '(x,a) : xs) = GetOffset (n+ByteSize a) l xs
GetOffset n l '[] = TypeError (Text "Missing field: " :<>:
ShowType l)
newtype Struct (a :: [(Symbol,*)]) = Struct (Ptr ())
get :: forall l fs n a.
(OffsetOf l fs ~ '(n,a), KnownNat n) =>
Struct fs ->
Proxy l ->
Ptr a
get (Struct p) _ = plusPtr p (fromInteger (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n)))
type MyStruct = [ '("A",Word8), '("B",Word8), '("C",Int) ]
testOk :: Struct MyStruct -> Ptr Word8
testOk s = get s (Proxy :: Proxy "B")
testNotOk :: Struct MyStruct -> Ptr Word8
testNotOk s = get s (Proxy :: Proxy "X")
type MyOtherStruct = [ '("A",Int), '("B",Word8) ]
testNotOk :: Struct MyOtherStruct -> Ptr Word8
testNotOk s = get s (Proxy :: Proxy "B")
``` |
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