... | ... | @@ -464,6 +464,8 @@ The class declaration for `Typeable` is highly suspect, as it is manifestly cycl |
**RAE:** How can we get a `TTyCon` for a known-at-compile-time tycon? I want something like `tyConRep @(->)` that will give something of type `TTyCon (->)`. The problem is that the type argument to `tyConRep` might not be a bare type constructor... but I would hate to have such a function return a `Maybe`, as it would be very annoying in practice, and it could be checked at compile time. I almost wonder if a new highly-magical language primitive would be helpful here.
**Iceland_jack**: I recall a conversation about making `:~:` a pattern synonym for `:~~:`
## Kind-polymorphism
### `unsafeCoerce` can be written
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