# Safer and more expressive type representations
This page is the main root page for a re-design of the `Typeable` class, to make **type-indexed** type representations.
This page is the main root page for a re-design of the `Typeable` class, to make **type-indexed** type representations.
The main ticket for tracking progress is [\#11011](https://gitlab.haskell.org//ghc/ghc/issues/11011).
Relevant links
... | ... | @@ -18,11 +21,108 @@ Also relevant is the [root page for distributed Haskell](distributed-haskell), w |
The names of functions and type constructors is totally up for grabs.
See also
- [\#10343](https://gitlab.haskell.org//ghc/ghc/issues/10343) is highly relevant
- [\#10163](https://gitlab.haskell.org//ghc/ghc/issues/10163) also
# Status
Use Keyword = `Typeable` to ensure that a ticket ends up on these lists.
Open Tickets:
<td>Typeable solver has strange effects</td></tr>
<td>isInstance does not work on Typeable with base-4.8 anymore</td></tr>
<td>\[TypeApplications\] Create Proxy-free alternatives of functions in base</td></tr>
<td>Constraint vs \*</td></tr>
<td>TemplateHaskell and Data.Typeable - tcIfaceGlobal (local): not found</td></tr>
<td>Consider moving Typeable evidence generation wholly back to solver</td></tr>
<td>Unboxed sums are not Typeable</td></tr>
<td>Tidy up TcTypeable</td></tr>
<td>Support Typeable instances for types with coercions</td></tr>
<td>Typeable imposes seemingly redundant constraints on polykinded instances</td></tr>
<td>Type-indexed type fingerprints</td></tr>
<td>GHC HEAD's ghc-stage1 panics on Data.Typeable.Internal</td></tr>
<td>typeRepKind can perform substantial amounts of allocation</td></tr>
<td>Show instance for TypeReps is a bit broken</td></tr>
<td>Add a test ensuring that TypeReps can be stored in compact regions</td></tr>
<td>Clean up tyConTYPE</td></tr>
<td>Review and improve the Typeable API</td></tr>
<td>Deriving Typeable for enumerations seems expensive</td></tr>
<td>\`KnownNat\` does not imply \`Typeable\` any more when used with plugin</td></tr>
<td>Panic with promoted types that Typeable doesn't support</td></tr></table>
Closed Tickets:
<td>Easily make Typeable keys pure, so that Typeable can be handled efficiently across communications</td></tr>
<td>The type defaulting in GHCi with Typeable</td></tr>
<td>Remove OldTypeable</td></tr>
<td>(Try to) restructure \`base\` to allow more use of \`AutoDeriveTypeable\`</td></tr>
<td>Export typeRepKinds in Data.Typeable</td></tr>
<td>Make Typeable track kind information better</td></tr>
<td>Add type-indexed type representations (\`TypeRep a\`)</td></tr>
<td>Missing type representations</td></tr>
<td>Kind of (-\>) type constructor is overly constrained</td></tr>
<td>No TypeRep for unboxed tuples</td></tr>
<td>Allow unsaturated uses of unlifted types in Core</td></tr>
<td>Typeable on RealWorld fails</td></tr>
<td>GHC crashes when calling typeRep on a promoted tuple</td></tr>
<td>Unboxed tuples have no type representations</td></tr>
<td>Representation polymorphism validity check is too strict</td></tr>
<td>Core lint failure with pattern synonym and levity polymorphism</td></tr>
<td>Perplexing levity polymorphism issue</td></tr>
<td>Typeable regression in GHC HEAD</td></tr>
<td>GHC panic in 8.2 only: typeIsTypeable(Coercion)</td></tr>
<td>Strange Typeable error message involving TypeInType</td></tr>
<td>GHC 8.2 regression: "Can't find interface-file declaration" for promoted data family instance</td></tr>
<td>Document Type.Reflection better (Fun and Con')</td></tr>
<td>The Binary instance for TypeRep smells a bit expensive</td></tr>
<td>Non-ASCII type names get garbled when their \`TypeRep\` is shown</td></tr>
<td>When Typeable and unboxed sums collide, GHC panics</td></tr></table>
## Goal
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