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  • P.C. Shyamshankar's avatar
    Handle absolute paths to build roots in Hadrian. · 2ff77b98
    P.C. Shyamshankar authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    Fixes #16187.
    This patch fixes various path concatenation issues to allow functioning
    builds with hadrian when the build root location is specified with an
    absolute path.
    - The path concatenation operator (-/-) now handles absolute second operands
      appropriately. Its behavior should match that of POSIX (</>) in this
    - The `getDirectoryFiles*` family of functions only searches for matches
      under the directory tree rooted by its first argument; all of the
      results are also relative to this root. If the first argument is the
      empty string, the current working directory is used.
      This patch passes the appropriate directory (almost always either `top`
      or `root`), and subsequently attaches that directory prefix so that
      the paths refer to the appropriate files.
    - Windows `tar` does not like colons (':') in paths to archive files, it
      tries to resolve them as remote paths. The `--force-local` option
      remedies this, and is applied on windows builds.