'withTiming' becomes a function that, when passed '-vN' (N >= 2) or '-ddump-timings', will print timing (and possibly allocations) related information. When additionally built with '-eventlog' and executed with '+RTS -l', 'withTiming' will also emit both 'traceMarker' and 'traceEvent' events to the eventlog. 'withTimingSilent' on the other hand will never print any timing information, under any circumstance, and will only emit 'traceEvent' events to the eventlog. As pointed out in !1672, 'traceMarker' is better suited for things that we might want to visualize in tools like eventlog2html, while 'traceEvent' is better suited for internal events that occur a lot more often and that we don't necessarily want to visualize. This addresses #17138 by using 'withTimingSilent' for all the codegen bits that are expressed as a bunch of small computations over streams of codegen ASTs.