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  • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
    [project @ 2005-04-04 11:55:11 by simonpj] · d551dbfe
    Simon Peyton Jones authored
    This commit combines three overlapping things:
    1.  Make rebindable syntax work for do-notation. The idea
        here is that, in particular, (>>=) can have a type that
        has class constraints on its argument types, e.g.
           (>>=) :: (Foo m, Baz a) => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
        The consequence is that a BindStmt and ExprStmt must have
        individual evidence attached -- previously it was one
        batch of evidence for the entire Do
        Sadly, we can't do this for MDo, because we use bind at
        a polymorphic type (to tie the knot), so we still use one
        blob of evidence (now in the HsStmtContext) for MDo.
        For arrow syntax, the evidence is in the HsCmd.
        For list comprehensions, it's all built-in anyway.
        So the evidence on a BindStmt is only used for ordinary
    2.  Tidy up HsSyn.  In particular:
    	- Eliminate a few "Out" forms, which we can manage
    	without (e.g. 
    	- It ought to be the case that the type checker only
    	decorates the syntax tree, but doesn't change one
    	construct into another.  That wasn't true for NPat,
    	LitPat, NPlusKPat, so I've fixed that.
    	- Eliminate ResultStmts from Stmt.  They always had
    	to be the last Stmt, which led to awkward pattern
    	matching in some places; and the benefits didn't seem
    	to outweigh the costs.  Now each construct that uses
    	[Stmt] has a result expression too (e.g. GRHS).
    3.  Make 'deriving( Ix )' generate a binding for unsafeIndex,
        rather than for index.  This is loads more efficient.
        (This item only affects TcGenDeriv, but some of point (2)
        also affects TcGenDeriv, so it has to be in one commit.)